Sorry kay.
Not in the mood to text/call anyone.
Besides that, kredit pun tak ramai je.
Bukan pokai lah..
Duit ade, just tak keluar reload.
24/7 memerap dlm bilik, peluk novel.
Sesape yg rasa nak buat amal, rajin2kan lah diri reload kat aku ye.
InsyaALLAH aku pun bakal merajinkan diri text org di kesempatan yg ada ni..
And furthermore, charger aku ade prob.
Aku sorang je makhluk yg guna sony kat rumah ni pun.
Btw, that's why aku malas bukak FB.
Sbb bukak p lah page sapa pun msti ada jerr yg claim jd awek kau kan.
Haihhhhh kenapa aku kisah? =.=
InsyaALLAH tak online dah buat bbrp hari, harap maklum.
#45 Trip Down Memory Lane.
I was sorting out an old drawer in my room just now and found like, LOADS of raya/birthday cards from friends and relatives. I re-read everything (too much time to kill) and saved some of the precious ones. Almost cried, really. Time flies faster than a bullet train.
Dear xXSofeaXx..
Happy burfday!
May God bless you..
Good luck in your exam..
Dpt straight As, aku blanja hg kay!
- Don't Matter -
ps; sebijik mcm kad yg hg bg kat aku!
Lots of lurve,
2 Delima / 2007
Haha this one lawak lah.. Teringat lg time aku bg bday card kat Aimi. Yela sbb bday dia kan May 4th, dekat je dgn bday aku. Tgk2 dia balas balik kad yg sama cuma colour je lain =.= But I liked that one, thanks Aimi! And of course aku ingt lg time tu kita smua pakat duk plan nak tubuhkan band! Haha tak menjadi jgk akhirnya kan? But I know that you're still passionate about music and stuff, and memandangkan hg lg 'berkemampuan' sikit, hg sure dah ada mcm2 alat muzik kat rumah hg kan Aimi.. Well, aku harap hg berjaya satu hari nanti. Kalau dah jd producer JB ke, jgn lupa contact aku, boleh set date dgn dia kay.. Kad raya dr hg smua aku smpan elok lg, tp taknak ah buh kat sini buat malu aku jeh =.=
Kad raya from gay partner.. Aku tau la skrg bukan time raya tp blog aku kan, suka hati aku laa =.=
Assalamualaikum wahai Sofea!
Kad ni mmg sesuai dgn hg, hg pun ada kutu gak di bahagian hidung!
Dah dpt makan sedap2, jgn lupa kolestrol! Nanti GUMUK! =)
Raya nie aku ingin memaafkan hg.. oopss.. memohon maaf!!
Maafkan aku for all the things that I did wrong!!
But most of the time, I'm right?!
Okay are!!
Until here, then!!
Uh, gay? Kalau nak kutuk aku tu mmg num satu eh dari dulu? =.=" Lain kali letak tanda seru bnyk2 lg weh, biar BP aku naik tinggi eiffel! Hehh. Aku taktau tu kad raya zaman bila punya tp mmg zaman 'kegemilangan' english kita lah rasanya, hahaha. Aku ada 3 je pun kad raya hg, yg lain kuceng aku kebas dah kot sbb aku tak jumpa pun (sejak bila aku ada kuceng?).
Last but not least, kad raya yg boleh dikatakan plg lawa aku pnah dpt. Dr senior kesayanganku satu masa dahulu. Huahuaa bukan Kak Wanie yer adik2. Kak Syaz.. Tp segan pulak aku nak taip love letter dia tu kat sini. xD Rindu gilaa dgn Kak Syaz, skrg dah lost contact pun. Masih ingat dulu pegi rumah akak semata2 nak jumpa akak and belanja cekelattt, huahuaa zaman naif lg masa tu. Whatever it is, I hope you're doing fine right now, di samping pakwe hensem terchenta =)
Okay, the trip down memory lane ends here!
#44 Ever Got Rejected?
(and what they actually mean)
10. I think of you as a brother.
(You remind me of that inbred banjo-playing geek in “Deliverance.”)
9. There's a slight difference in our ages.
(I don't want to do my dad.)
8. I'm not attracted to you in 'that' way.
(You are the ugliest dork I've ever laid eyes on.)
7. My life is too complicated right now.
(I don't want you spending the whole night or else you may hear phone calls from all the other guys I'm seeing.)
6. I've got a boyfriend.
(I prefer my male cat and a half gallon of Ben and Jerry's.)
5. I don't date men where I work.
(I wouldn't date you if you were in the same 'solar system', much less the same building.)
4. It's not you, it's me.
(It's you.)
3. I'm concentrating on my career.
(Even something as boring and unfulfilling as my job is better than dating you.)
2. I'm celibate.
(I've sworn off only the men like you.)
1. Let's be friends.
(I want you to stay around so I can tell you in excruciating detail about all the other men I meet and have sex with. It's the male perspective thing.)
In response, the male perspective on the same issue..
Top 10 rejection lines given by Men
(and what they actually mean)
10. I think of you as a sister.
(You're ugly.)
9. There's a slight difference in our ages.
(You're ugly.)
8. I'm not attracted to you in 'that' way.
(You're ugly.)
7. My life is too complicated right now.
(You're ugly.)
6. I've got a girlfriend.
(You're ugly.)
5. I don't date women where I work.
(You're ugly.)
4. It's not you, it's me.
(You're ugly.)
3. I'm concentrating on my career.
(You're ugly.)
2. I'm celibate.
(You're ugly.)
1. Let's be friends.
(You're sinfully ugly.)
Conclusion: Men are painful at times. Agree, women?
#43 Things Girls Should Know About Guys.
2. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.
3. Learn to work the toilet seat: if it's up put it down.
4. Don't cut your hair. Ever.
5. Birthdays, Valentines, and Anniversaries are not quests to see if he can find the perfect present, again!
6. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.
7. Sometimes, he's not thinking about you. Live with it.
8. Don't ask him what he's thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as navel lint, the shotgun formation and monster trucks.
9. Get rid of your cat. And no, it's not different, it's just like every other cat.
10. Dogs are better than ANY cats. Period.
11. Sunday = Sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be.
12. Shopping is not a sport.
13. Anything you wear is fine. Really.
14. You have enough clothes.
15. You have too many shoes.
16. Crying is blackmail. Use it if you must, but don't expect us to like it.
17. Your brother is an idiot, you ex-boyfriend is an idiot and your Dad probably is too.
18. Ask for what you want. Subtle hints don't work.
19. No, he doesn't know what day it is. He never will. Mark anniversaries on a calendar.
20. Yes, pissing standing up is more difficult than peeing from point blank range. We're bound to miss sometimes.
21. Most guys own two or three pairs of shoes -- What makes you think we'd be any good at choosing which pair, out of thirty, would look good with your dress?
22. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers.
23. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. See a doctor.
24. Your Mom doesn't have to be our best friend.
25. Foreign films are best left to foreigners.
26. Check your oil.
27. Don't give us 50 rules when 25 will do.
28. Don't fake it. We'd rather be ineffective than deceived.
29. It is neither in your best interest or ours to take the quiz together.
30. Anything we said 6 or 8 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. All comments become null and void after 7 days.
31. If you don't dress like the Victoria's Secret girls, don't expect us to act like soap opera guys.
32. If something we said can be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad and angry, we meant the other one.
33. Let us ogle. If we don't look at other women, how can we know how pretty you are?
34. You can either ask us to do something OR tell us how you want it done -- not both.
35. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.
36. Christopher Columbus didn't need directions, and neither do we.
37. Women wearing Wonder bras and low-cut blouses lose their right to complain about having their boobs stared at.
38. Consider Golf a mini-vacation from you. We need it, just like you do.
39. Telling us that the models in the men's magazines are airbrushed makes you look jealous and petty and it's certainly not going to deter us from reading the magazine.
40. The relationship is never going to be like it was the first two months we were going out.
1. Don't rub the lamp if you don't want the genie to come out.
In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.
Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.
Maybe part of loving is learning to let go.
The day you finally decide to love me will be the day after the day I have given up on chasing you.
If someone you love hurts you cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it.
PS; I just need some distraction from those Maths and Bio books :)
Oh yeah, studied like H-E-L-L this morning.
#42 Tak Payah Susah2 Baca.
Malas nak cakap banyak lah, you know what you did. I tried to be nice and everything but it's just not enough for you. Malas lah you. I tak nak kacau you dah. I know I said that a few times..but I mean it now. I'm tired trying to maintain our friendship. Are we even friends by the way? Tak tau lah. I didn't ask, I don't wanna know. I'm someone who you would find when you need entertainment or something. I didn't ask for much, I want us to be friends. Friends talk to each other. Friends do NOT ignore each other. Friends appreciate each other's existence. I tau you ada berjuta kawan tapi ada ke jumpa kawan mcm I? Babe, I'm not a Barbie doll. Tak payah treat I macam I takde feelings. When I make mistakes, I apologize macam gila, ada you kisah? Bila you buat salah, ada you terfikir nak mintak maaf kat I? Ohhh you rasa you perfect la tak pernah salah, tak pernah lukakan perasaan I. I tak pernah mintak pape dari you babe. Tapi ape salahnye cakap 'thanks' sometimes. I do that all the time kat you. Babe, I tak cakap psl love sbb it's complicated. Although if I do feel that way pun, I'm gonna deny it each second now. Because it's not worth it, I've nothing to gain. I've NOTHING to expect. I'm hurt, I'm broken. I give up. I give up on you..
You may be laughing your ass out while reading this. Whatever, guy!
Suka hati I la nak nangis ke apa, I manusia. And I'm used to crying because of you. But I promise you, this is gonna be the last time.
Love, me.
Gay partner pun sama ja penipu.
Yg hot tu hang la weiii bukan aku.
Hai awak, kawan baru :D
~takde apa nak update actually~
Oh ade sorg mamat mane ntah nak hantar rombongan meminang aku padahal baru kenal sejam kat FB.
Haha ye saye tau awak melawak je, thanks, lawak awak menjadi!
Bhahaha beria2 je nak dtg naik merc, nak bg lamborghini merah as hantaran ye? =.=
Ya Allah, bestnya kalau jadi betoi.
Btw, I like this song!
Is It You? - Cassie ((:
I'm looking for a lover not a friend
Somebody who can be there when I need someone to talk to
I'm looking for someone who won't pretend
Somebody not afraid to say the way they feel about you
And I'm looking for someone who understands how I feel
Someone who can keep it real
And who knows the way, the way I like to it have my way
And I'm looking for someone who takes me there
Wants to share, shows he cares
I'm thinking you're the one that I've been waiting for
Is it you? Is it you? Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me? Could you be the one I need?
Is it you? Is it you? Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me? Could you be the one I need?
I'm looking for someone to share my pain
Someone who I can run to, who will stay with me when it rains
Someone who I can cry with through the night
Someone who I can trust who's heart is right
And I'm looking for someone
And I'm looking for someone who understands how I feel
Someone who can keep it real
And who knows the way, the way I like to have it my way
And I'm looking for someone who takes me there
Wants to share, shows he cares
I'm thinking you're the one that I've been waiting for
Is it you? Is it you? Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me? Could you be the one I need?
Is it you? Is it you? Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me? Could you be the one I need?
Someone who won't take for granted
How much I care (How much I care)
And appreciates that I'm there
Someone who listens
And someone I can call
who isn't afraid of love to share
Is it you? Is it you? Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me? Could you be the one I need?
Is it you? Is it you? Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me? Could you be the one I need?
ps; I tak suka lelaki GAY.
#41 List!
My Personality
I’m loud
I’m obnoxious
I’m sarcastic
I’m cocky
I cry easily
I have a bad temper
For the most part, I don’t like people
I’m easy to get along with
I have more enemies than friends
I’ve smoked
I’ve smoked weed
I drink coffee
I clean my room daily
My Appearance:
I wear makeup
I wear a piece of jewellry at all times
I wear contacts
I wear glasses
I have braces
I change my hair color often
I straighten my hair sometimes
I have piercings
I have small feet ( compared to that someone ke? I think he proved it aite =.= )
I have tattoos ( of his name :) )
I’m in a relationship now
I’m single
I’m crushing
I’m in love
I’m always scared of being hurt
An ex has physically abused me, at least once
I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t
I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did
I’ve been in love more than two times
I believe in love at first sight
I have a bestfriend
I have at least ten friends
I’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend
I’ve been in a serious fight with a friend.
I can trust at least five people with my life
I’ve been on a plane
I’ve been on a train
Someone close to me has died
I’ve taken a taxi
I’ve taken a city bus
I’ve taken a school bus
I’ve gone bungee jumping
I’ve made a speech
I’ve been in some sort of club
I’ve won an award
I’ve spent 24 hours on the computer straight
I’ve been in a physical fight.
I listen to R&B
I listen to country
I listen to pop
I listen to techno
I listen to rock
I’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly until I hate it
I hate the radio
I buy CDs
I listen to heavy metal
I spend at least six hours a day watching TV
I watch soap operas daily
I’m in love with Days of Our Lives
I’ve seen and liked the OC
I’ve seen and liked One Tree Hill
I’ve seen and liked Americas Next Top Model
I’ve seen and liked Popular
I’ve seen and liked 24
I’ve seen and liked CSI
I’ve seen and liked Everwood
Family Life:
I get along with both of my parents
My biological parents are still together
I have at least one brother
I have at least one sister
I have at least one step brother/sister
I have at least one half brother/sister
I’ve been kicked out of my house
I’ve ran away from home
I’ve made my parents cry
I’ve lied to my parents
I’ve lied to my parents about where I am
I’ve lied to my parents about what I’m doing
I’ve walked out when I’ve been grounded
I don’t live with my parents
Parents are screwed up and gone
I’ve been brown
I’ve had streaks
I’ve cut my hair in the past year
I’ve dyed my hair in the past year
I’ve been blonde
I’ve been red
I’ve been light brown
I’ve been medium brown
I’ve been blue/green
I’ve gotten my hair thinned
I use conditioner
I’ve used Silk Therapy
I’ve used hot oil treatments
I’ve curled my hair
I’ve straightened my hair
I’ve ironed my hair
I’ve braided my hair
I’ve yelled at a teacher
I’ve been suspended
I’ve had an in-school suspension
I’ve been sent to the principals office
I’ve walked out of class
I’ve skipped an entire day of school
I’ve skipped a whole month of one certain class
I’ve failed a test
I’ve cheated on a test
I’ve helped someone else cheat on a test
I’ve failed art
I’ve failed PE
I’ve failed math
I’ve failed science
I’ve failed another class
#40 PMR Result, Books, VAIO.
Went to school in the morning to help Pn Ling key in PMR results.
How tiring but I had so much fun with my friends, Kah Yoke and Ee-Lin!
Look at their happy faces:
Congratulations to all the juniors (140 of you) who scored perfect 7/8As!
Teringat zaman aku PMR dulu2 *grins*
Bgn pg td baru teringat ada RM60 book voucher yg tak guna lg.
Then lpas habes keja2 kt skolah tu, ajak abah g the book shop.
OBJECTIVE : Buy novels. Real adult novels.
INFERENCE : To overcome excessive-boredom-disorder.
RESULT : Objective failed. Bought matriculation books. WTF kan?!
Nah hambekkk. Membazir ja RM60.
Lpas SPM bored gila duk rumah babe.
Even vampire novels/love stories yg belambak2 tu pun tak leh entertain aku.
Baru dapat figure out aku ni mmg dah addict dgn REAL education books.
Walaoweiii sofea. Result tak kuaq g, dia dah beli buku dah.
Tu belum confirm g dpt matriks =.=" (hopefully dapat la! aku berharap sgt ni!)
So.. cross your fingers buku2 tu takkan setakat menambah beban kat rak buku aku je.
Aku dah re-format otak aku lpas SPM, tak tau la boleh cram in these new infos lg tak.
Ada masa lg before PLKN so.. reading these books will be my new 'thing'. (WTF?)
Lawa tak bnda2 ni?
Mama kata confirm dpt VAIO ni sebijik lpas balik PLKN.
Haha I noticed Inche Shah dok survey bnda ni hari tu, like VERY interested.
Sorry babe, I dapat dulu! :P
Ala nanti I kasi you pinjam kay, ahahha.
Mama cepat la beliiiiii nak bg org tu jeles!
Oh, gay p?
Sorry aku tak dpt ikut hg job-hunting.
My feet hurts lg la weh (padan muka, sape suruh gedik pakai heels pegi Queens kan kan kan)
Babe, hg jd PA aku dah la?
Aku bayar duit moto dgn duit top up hg bulan2 okeh?
+ bfast, lunch free tetiap hari.
Anyone else interested?
Pls send in your application to sofeaasyiqin@ymail.com d:
ps; Muz.. takpe la kita baca dr blog my hubby ye. Dia siap puji your hairdo lg kan. :D
TakeCare! XOXO!
#39 Sweetheart, I Miss You..
Takde kredit nak text semua org, so kat sini pun jd la kan?
Rindu you babe, bila nak hang out, huaaa.
Selamat bekerja kat komtar ye, dpt gaji nnti jgn lupa i tau tau.
Takpe, skrg giliran i pegi PLKN, nanti you pulak k!
Nanti i pulak rindu kat you!
Ahaha :')
Tak tau hg g mana weh, gagal dihubungi lpas SPM kecuali di FB.
Huaaa busy gila hg kalah menteri doe.
Tlg mak hg ke?
Hg jd model utk shawl mak hg ke? *wink2*
Rindu hg wehhh~
Te'o, Shiro, Mijah!
You all!
Bila kita nak lepak coolblog lg, huhu.
Last time setiap jumaat kita pegi kan.
And every friday jgk kita buat gila kat popular kan.
Rindu la kat you all!
(jgn marah weh nama hg ter-kebawah sket)
Tak rindu sgt kot sbb baru jumpa, huahua.
Aku harap hg berjaya dpt keja weh.
Tak abeh2 dgn job hunt dr last week!
Nnti keja bebetoi, jgn duk ngorat org ja keja.
Yg DUA org tu hg nak letak mana *wink2*
Aku tau kita dah tak rapat dah since hg pegi mrsm.
Wlupun dah balik sini, kita dgn geng2 kita la kan.
Whatever it is, aku rindu sgt zaman kita dulu2 masa f2.
Babe, if there's a chance, nanti kita jumpa k!
Babe, bila you nak dtg sini ha?
Ahaha i tak boleh la g sane, Nilai tu jauh benar.
Lgpun ye, i ni driver yg tak sah, takde lesen lg *.*
Babe i'm glad kita kwn lg!
Not many guys mcm u sbb slalunya lpas break up, confirm the guy taknak kwn dgn the girl dah kan.
Ahahahah but we're different kan, bestie? :)
I harap u bahagia dgn Nieyna, jaga budak comel tu elok2 ye *wink2*
I taktau dah you kat mane skrg, tgh buat ape smua.
Ahaa i plg ingat you sbb you bf i yg plg tuaaaa i rasa *bhahaha*
4 years older kan.
You dah bahagia dgn gf baru skrg ey.
Well, good for you.
Ada kesempatan nanti kita jumpa k!
Huaaaaaaaaa sedih gila takde masa nak jumpa you.
That day i busy dgn diorang2, sorry eh.
I tau u nak belanja i mkn unagi (sbb i tak pnah mkn).
Lpas i blk PLKN baru kita pegi mkn eh eh eh.
Rindu you!
It has been 3 months since kita last jumpa kan.
Ahaa :)
Kah Yoke, Amery, Ee-Lin!
Miss you guys, awww (;
Will meet you guys tomorrow in school, yes?
We'll be helping Puan Ling with the PMR results.
I'm so glad i'll be joining you guys because seriously, i'm starting to miss school~
Don't you?
Adik Ikhwan!
Adik, jgn sedih2 k, pls take care of your health!
Maybe she has her own reasons knape tak layan adik.
Biar lah dia..
Adik, pls focus on your studies k!
SPM tahun depan k, pls prepare early kalau tak jd mcm akak ni *.*
Adik, i'm sorry i can't be there for you all the time esp masa adik sedih.
Akak pun ade masalah akak sndiri dik, takde sape nak dgr pun!
Ibu, baby rindu ibu..
Ibu jgn la berterusan mntak maaf kat baby, ibu tak buat salah ape pun k.
Baby cuma taknak ada further problems dgn korang berdua.
Huhu so baby tak nak campur dah la hal ibu dgn dia k.
Ibu, when i'm ready nanti baby contact ibu balik k.
I promise things will be back to normal..
#38 Crap Bukan Crab.
No matter how crap I feel, I won't put sad smileys in my blog.
1. Gaduh dgn bf tadi. Which leads to number 2.
2. Break off dgn bf.
3. Di-ignore oleh Dazzler. Again.
Dear you,
I care for you babe, I seriously do. You tak buat salah ape pun, you're a nice guy. Everything's my fault. I keep too many secrets, I'm never satisfied with what you do, I'm an ungrateful human being, you are allowed to kill me (seriously). Besides, the chemistry isn't there. And we argued twice on the same issue, about the same guy. Sorry babe, you're not matured enough for me. You never spelled my name correctly. Sorry I wasted 3 months of your life. Sorry babe, but I never lied to you. I keep secrets but I don't lie. Sorry for everything. I do hope we stay friends though. I still care about you..From the bottom of my heart, XOXO.
Crap, all my life I try to make everyone happy but no one is ever happy with me kan kan kan.
Sedihnya babe.
I taknak rasa mcm ni, I tak nak fikir bukan2 psl u.
I taknak fikir that u took advantage on me just because I'm nice to everyone.
Tp mcm mana kalau betul?
*suka hati la aku guna bahasa rojak pun, emosi tak betul skrg*
Rasa loya gilaaa dr smlm, tak abeh g kot smpai skrg.
Dah don't give me that look, I'm not pregnant.
Kalau tak confirm doc tak tick "LAYAK UTK PLKN" masa medical check up td.
Yes, I did my check up.
They analysed my urine, ok kot.
And calculated my BMI - normal.
Blood pressure, heartbeat blah3 - normal *very surprising*
Nothing's wrong with my system lah!
(except that i'm FAT)
Maybe ada hikmahnya aku kena hantar pegi PLKN ey.
To escape from all these?
Was it something I said or something I did
Did my words not come out right
Though I tried not to hurt you
Ya, I tried but I guess that's why they say
Every rose has its thorn
Just like every night has its dawn
Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song
Every rose has its thorn, yeah, it does
Though it's been a while now
I can still feel so much pain
Like a knife that cuts you, the wound heals
But the scar, that scar will remain
This is my current tune.
Every Rose Has Its Thorn - Miley Cyrus.
Pictures kat sini, layan diri ye.
Some were captured by my cybershot from baby alpha, so camtu lah jadinye.
Malas nak cerita details 'cause I know nanti Muzakkir nak story pnjg2 kat blog dia :D
lurveyewww :D
Bila nak hangout lg? :D
#37 9 Words Men Use.
2.Five minutes: What is he doing? Videogames? Five minutes is about half an hour then, or until he finds the ever elusive 'next save point'. Getting ready for sex? Five minutes is two minutes. Preparing to leave? Five minutes means five minutes, and if you're not in the car in exactly five minutes you will find yourself under a veritable barrage of honking until you rectify the fact.
3.Nothing: Is largely a synonym for 'fine', though more resolute. A 'fine' can be challenged, a 'nothing' is completely off limits, and rather than signaling that an argument is forth coming, it should tell any man-savvy woman that whatever is wrong is not up for discussion with her, her mother, or anyone she is related to. Full stop. Period.
4.Go ahead: "I'm not interested in arguing with you anymore, do whatever the hell you want. See if I care!" Often accompanied by a #1.
5.Loud sigh: Sometimes with a curse, like 'J***s Ch***t' or 'F**king hell', this is a sign of frustration, and means, basically, "I so don't understand the issue here, what is she still pissed about? My conclusive rebuttals weren't enough for her?"
6.That's okay: This is a sign of disappointment. If a dude tells you 'that's okay' after you've just admitted something, it means his respect for you has taken a free fall and he's not sure what to say that won't insult you, despite his current feelings. If a guy is saying 'that's okay' a lot, you should examine your patterns and find out why.
7.Thanks: This depends largely on the context and intonation. Like eels and shotguns, 'thanks' is a slippery beast and by no means can be explained in one dot point. So I won't.
8.Whatever: "I'm over it. I'm not interested in arguing. I still think I'm right, but you know what? You don't, and I'm beyond caring. F**k you." That's what 'whatever' means.
9.Don't worry about it, I got it: This isn't often used by men, but when uttered it holds the same connotations as "Stop asking if I need help, I am a MAN, I am more than capable of handling this shit myself". Women often challenge this, which can result in a #4 #5 combo, or, worse, a #1 followed up by an #8.
#36 Another List.
1. Flower. Need not to buy me a fancy, expensive bouquet. One would be enough. Nothing orange. Yellow/white/red/pink ones only.
2. Bracelet/necklace. Nothing expensive (note: i like silver).
3. Pretty notebooks. My obsession.
4. Movie tickets. I don't know why, I just love to keep them. Maybe because I don't go out for movies often.
5. CHOCOLATES :D Toblerone (milk) kay!
Movie genres:
1. Never pick horror movies. Especially local ones.
2. Never pick movies that talk about history. Especially movies that are related to China/India ancient times. *yawns*
3. Romance.
4. Cartoons? Disneys only.
5. Anything that talks about teenagers. Like WildChild. :D
6. Movies that are adapted from novels. Especially those that come in series.
1. Never question about my choices (while buying clothes). I have super weird tastes.
2. Give advice/opinions when needed only.
3. Walk on my right side.
4. Walk by my side, not in front of or behind me.
5. Hold my hand while walking.
6. Talk to me about anything and everything! If you run out of topics, ask me if I have anything on my mind. I despise silence.
7. Don't stare at the phone screen too much. I would think that you're bored with me and want to end the date soon.
8. Don't text. Fine, try to avoid texting anyone. It's ANNOYING. Refer to point 17.
9. When I ask for your phone, just hand it to me without asking anything. I wouldn't check your inbox/pictures, not that nosy. I just want to keep my hands busy.
10. When I ask for your purse, just hand it to me. If I'm nice, I'll slip some cash inside. HAHA yes, true. IF I'm nice.
11. Capture candid photos of me doing crazy acts, while I'm laughing etc. Also, capture photos of me staring at people randomly and post it on facebook later on.
12. Camwhore when I'm on it!
13. Sing to me. I don't care if you're out of tune.
14. Hold my handbag/shopping bags for me? Okay you're not that nice, I know. But try to, haha.
15. Wipe my mouth if there's grease or anything on it, do not ask me to wipe it myself (romantic not?).
16. Ask me about my lipbalm flavour (so random).
17. Exception for texting: Text me saying things like 'I want to hug you but I'm scared you'll run away' or 'I swear I'm jealous when that bloke stared at you just now'. Haha XD
18. Let me try something new/stuffs that I never ate before.
19. Take me somewhere discreet for picnic.
20. Laugh and have fun! =)
Seriously, I CAN'T! : D
Sorry, takde mood nak update.
Went out to the mall today.
Didn't shop, didn't watch movie.
Ate McD and walked around.
Ate indulgence before heading home.
The slice of cake was totally umphhhhhh, awesome.
The only thing that cheered me up today.
Some people just don't understand.
Do I need to put up a neon sign saying 'leave me alone'?
Haih, just carry on with your life and leave me out of it.
No, not mad at you.
No, do not despise you.
Don't get me wrong.
Current tune : Can't Be Tamed - Miley Cyrus.
Maybe I can't.
Bangangggg banyaknya kejaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Takpa weh.
2 Januari - 13 Mac jaaa :DDD
#35 You. =)
I was born in the arms of imaginary friends
Free to roam, made a home out of everywhere I've been
Then you come crashing in, like the realest thing
Trying my best to understand all that your love can bring
Oh half of my heart's got a grip on the situation
Half of my heart takes time
Half of my heart's got a right mind to tell you
That I can't keep loving you
Oh, with half of my heart
I was made to believe i'd never love somebody else
I made a plan, stay the man who can only love himself
Lonely was the song I sang, 'til the day you came
Showing me a better way and all that my love can bring
Oh half of my heart's got a grip on the situation
Half of my heart takes time
Half of my heart's got a right mind to tell you
That I can't keep loving you
Oh, with half of my heart
With half of my heart
Your faith is strong
But I can only fall short for so long
Time will hold, later on
You will hate that I never gave more to you than half of my heart
But I can't stop loving you
But I can't stop loving you
But I can't stop loving you with half of my...
Half of my heart
Half of my heart
Half of my heart's got a real good imagination
Half of my heart's got you
Half of my heart's got a right mind to tell you
That half of my heart won't do
Half of my heart is a shotgun wedding to a bride with a paper ring
And half of my heart is the part of a man who's never really loved anything
Half of my heart
Half of my heart
Half of my heart
Half of my heart
Half of my heart
Half of my heart
#34 Things I've Learned.
(inspired by gay partner, love)
1. Never trust someone that you meet on the Net. Even if that someone happens to be your 'online boyfriend/girlfriend', do NOT trust them until you have actually met and talk to them personally.
2. People lie and put on dramas more often than you think they do.
3. Never use facebook to post updates about your pathetic love life. People might misunderstand and throw even more pathetic gossips about you. And you might not be able to deny them because the evidence is, duh, on facebook.
4. Never ever wear CARDIGANS on a date, they make you look FAT.
5. Don't bother your ex every second even if you're trying to win his/her heart back. Give him/her some 'alone' time. He/She'll come around when he/she misses you.
6. When you want to bitch about someone, remember that usually that bitch bitches better than you do. So just keep your mouth shut and be a good girl. Let people hate the bitch, don't let them start hating you. *winks*
7. Whenever you're depressed, do NOT gobble up 8 tablets of PCM. It isn't an antidepressant! Refer to point 17.
8. Never put up your phone number of facebook if you don't want some stranger calling you at 2 am demanding for phone sex. (it happens) =.=
9. Never try to define love, you'll be mad. Trust me, the definition changes every day.
10. Never ask guys things like 'do you love me?' when you know they do. Never bother them with stupid questions, they have more complicated things to think about.
11. Don't do long-distance relationships if you're not prepared for arguments and broken hearts.
12. Forgive people and pray that they will change.
13. Don't judge someone on facebook from their profile picture and status messages. Refer to point 2.
14. When you're about to give up and you feel like commiting suicide..watch Oprah. Usually it helps. Because there are people in this world who face bigger problems than us. Refer point 15.
15. Don't overlook all the tiny things in life. Appreciate the blessings that God has given us.
17. Listening to instrumental songs make you calm (especially muse muse muse!). It's a great help when you're studying (under pressure) too.
18. Always do early preparation for huge examinations. Staying up late/waking up really early will not work.
19. Pretend to be happy even when you're not. Because sadness/happiness is something that spreads easily.
20. Elevate your mood by shaking your butt to some catchy tunes (my favourite-step up movie soundtracks!). Sweat a bit!
21. Don't lock your phone/inbox with passwords that are easily broken. Never put your name, your boyfriend/girlfriend's name or your birthday as passwords. Your cat's birthday should be fine.
22. If you don't eat something (in my case, sushi), tell your boyfriend about it before you guys go out on a date to avoid unnecessary hospital visits.
23. NEVER EVER forget monthsary/anniversary dates even if you think that they're not important. Someone, which is your boyfriend/girlfriend, might get upset.
24. It's okay to keep in touch with your ex even when you're with someone new. As long as your new guy/girl knows about it.
25. Don't cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend. He/She can do the same thing to you.
#33 Life.
Oh-em-gee, don't think I'm able to handle such spotlight but thanks anyway ;)
Finally figured out that what I thought was the right thing to do turned out to be totally wrong (to some people).
I'll make you happy.
I'll fuck off from your life.
Scratch that last.
Your lives.
Life after SPM .. sucks (so far).
First date with dear, faris and lil' brother, ikhwan tomorrow.
And another date next week.
With .. gay partner, RJ, encik shah and friend.
Should be awesome, expecting so many things :D
When you have too much time to kill, sometimes it drives you crazy.
Thought of writing another novel but .. the ideas wouldn't come to me.
Well what do I expect, haven't written anything for about a year now.
Novel-writing is definitely out of my things-to-do list.
Have moved on to do something that I (used to) enjoy a few years back.
Not actually an art-person but I was quite good at it.
So I started drawing a potrait this morning (after a few tiring hours searching for the perfect photo).
Will be posting up my artwork here, as soon as I finish it, should take more or less about 8 hours (you will know why later) =.=
I did make money out of this drawing thingy when I was in form 3.
I drew Jessica Simpson (teacher gave me 18/20) for myself, Emma Watson for Zahirah (18/20), Alicia Keys for Imany (19.5/20) and another one .. can't remember who, for gay partner (I think it was 18/20).
30bucks per piece ;)
People needed good marks for Arts at that time, they would do anything.
And I needed cash, bhahahaaaa.
K byebye, needah-brrrreakk.
Yes, a break.
From all these things that make me sick.
#32 SGGS.
Me to Brain: What?? So soon??
Brain to Me: Idk but it feels awesome, it's the end of the schooling years! :D
Lets rewind.
2006/1 TOPAZ.
Ye, aku skema lg masa nie =.= Masuk2 je kelas, duduk sebelah Shi Yeng. Yela, mana nak tau perangai dia yg bebetul masa memula jumpa kan. Lgpun mak pesan, duduk la sebelah budak cina, hari2 boleh praktis speaking. Shi Yeng ni budak baik je, homework sume siap (aku pun bg siap jgk), tp satu je lah mslhnya. Ckp bnyk betul. Kot ckp bnde yg masuk akal/berkaitan dgn aku takpela jgk =,= Takpe takpe, lets skip this part sbb tak best. Aku bersyukur jugak la dpt duduk kat seat tu sbb masa tu lah mula2 kenal gay partner ku sayang dengan Aimi. Tak tau camne boleh click dgn depa2 neh masa tu, haha sbb aku kan skema tahap tak ingat. Then around March kot ade interview utk pengawas la amende ntah. Aku pun dgn konfidennya pegi interview tu (sbb ckgu dah letak nama aku dlm list pon) and tup tup dpt la jd prefect sat. I mean, saaaaaaat. Dah lepas tu aku letak jawatan. Haha. And masa form1 la start menggedik ngan senior. Nama tak payah sebut lah :D Aku ingat lg masa mid year exam dpt no 1, ada jgk peluang naik pentas tu utk hari penyampaian hadiah! Wee. That was the first and the last time utk 3 tahun seterusnya =.=
2007/2 DELIMA
Form2 rocks!! Tambah2 lg bila aku, Basy dgn Aimi dpt kelas sama lagiiii :D Taktau mcm mana kitorang mmg nakal gilaa tahun tu. Skip classes? Check. Panjat clock tower? Check. Kacau senior? Check. Buli junior? Check. Seludup brg larangan? Check check check. Org smua tak suka geng kitorang sbb suka buat kacau, haha. Asl ada spotcheck ke ape, nama kitorang la naik. + 2 org lg, Farah dgn Atiqah. Mmg sama je sengetnya dgn kitorang. Ngee. But the best part was, tak kira mcm mana nakalnya pun kitorang..akademik still maintain okay. Ahaa kat skolah je cmtu, kat rumah kitorang lg baik dr Charlie's Angel :D Year 2007 jgk tahun menggatal dgn senior, haha, yeah time ni baru nak mengenal kakak2 comel lg lawa kat sekolah. Tak nak sebut nama~
2008/3 DELIMA
Masa ni the trios dah berpecah pun. Aimi masuk 1st class, Akik. Aku masuk 2nd, Delima. Basy masuk 7th, Topaz. Mmg dah start renggang dr awal tahun lg.. Takpe la, I made new friends kat 3D. Deena, Aliah, Azimah, Irza, Fatin Aqilah, Jenny and bnyk lg la.. Dpt kwn2 baru ni sedikit sbnyk dpt tone down kenakalan aku la :P Yela diorang jenis bebaik smua, genius pun tahap einstein jgk la. Thanks to y'all..aku study bebetul utk PMR. Kalau diorang takde, mmg aku takde nak g skolah utk program pecutan smua. Lepak kat rumah je la. Disebabkan tak larat nak dgr diorang membebel hari2 kalau aku skip school, aku pegi jugak. Takpe, tak menyesal pun. Sbb result best. Smua kwn2 aku 8A termasuk aku.
ps; Malas nak cerita psl kes berebut godsis smua.
pps; Ily kak wanie! [;
2009/4 INTAN
Masuk form4 ni la yg agak tension sbb smua pakat nak lari g mrsm la, sbp la. Perghhh buat cm SGGS tak ckup bagus =.= Aku apply jgk mrsm tp entrance exam dia aku tak pegi pun. Yeah i know what's the point of applying kan. Haih so Aimi dgn Aliah pegi MRSM Taiping with a few others, Fatin pegi MRSM Balik Pulau and ada a few yg masuk SBP. Whatever it is, aku terkejut sbb stuck dkat kelas INTAN tu. Sbb aku tak letak pun nama dkt list bebudak yg nak amik akaun, ttbe dpt kelas akaun+muzik+arts pulak. Sheesh. Lantakla. So I didn't have any friends. I repeat, I didn't have any friends till I meet Deena. Haha terus rapat dgn dia lah, apa lg kan. Dah kitorang mmg lone rangers kat situ. Then kenal dgn Sally, Shahira, Hamizah, Fateha, Nicole, Amery, Kah Yoke, Ee-Lin, Tara, Man Ying, Aqilah, Ni Wen.. (bnyk lg kot) yg awesome sgt2. Walaupun kelas kitorang slalu bising, kena aim dgn bnyk ckgu tp..lantak ah. 4 Intan rocks. Genius2 smua kena baling masuk kelas ni (tak termasuk aku). One memorable thing psl form4..aku dpt 99 utk akaun :D Kira highest in form la masa tu.. Then after mid year exam aku drop akaun. Sbb tak tahan tgk number 99 tu reciprocate jd 66. And bio pun duk compete dgn Basyirah sayang aku tu. Dia dpt 96 masa tu, aku dpt 95 kot..tak, tak ingat. Hek eleh masa form4 je pun nak merasa dpt A+ utk bio kan kan kan! Oh and aku join board of traffic wardens! (sbb nak dpt merit. pathethic kan!). Dpt pulak jd duty leader. Wahhh..berganda2 la merit aku, hehehe. And plg sedih, Nicole migrate pegi Aussie! Aww miss you dear! :')
2010/5 INTAN
Awal2 tahun tu, smua masuk kelas dgn muka time-to-get-serious. Lantak la, aku tetap aku, chillax jer. Still, duk sebelah Deena. Kitorang mmg inseparable dah pun, nak buat cm na. SPM ke ape ke, yg aku tau, hari jumaat dah kira hari wajib kitorang lepak kat prangin after school kot! Confirm nmpk muka kitorang kat kaunter coolblog tu. Day after day, diorang dah mcm family bg aku. Aku ingt lg awal tahun, dpt 100 utk physics, smua org mcm 'whoahhhh. u're mad. yeah, who gets 100 for physics'. Aku sengih je. Hek eleh, chapter tu kacang je kot, budak form2 bleh buat. And I got another 100 for maths. Mmg happy gilaa sbb maths mmg fvrt subjek aku, happy sbb dpt buat Cikgu Zainun senyum smpai telinga bila bg balik kertas aku =) I learned to love add maths from Mr Ooi! Before this mmg aku tak suka add maths sbb complicated sgt. Tp mcm mana pun aku tetap dpt A-. Still, A jugak kan. Aku tetapkan azam nak improve add maths and Alhamdulillah..skrg ni okay jgk la. Kenangan terindah sekolah tahun ni bila dpt pegi hari anugerah cemerlang lg! Setelah 3 tahun aku tak naik pentas tu. Tahun ni dpt hadiah utk maths dgn bm. Boleh la tahan.. Aliran masa mid year tu no 5. Masa trial SPM naik ke no 3. Happy tak terkata.. Sbb yela, masuk sekolah tu smua hebat2 mmg susah nak be on top of others. Tp Alhamdulillah I made it this year, my final year. It's something to be remembered later.
And finally, SPM. Well today is the last day. I don't have anything to say about Bio papers. I don't want to hear anything about SPM anymore. I look forward to so many things. PLKN, I'm definitely excited to make new friends and shape up my body ;D I look forward to meeting soooo many people. Faris and Ikhwan, next week. Daddy tak tau lg bila but hopefully, soon! Encik Shah yg dah lama tak jumpaaa. Rindu pulak. And I look forward to college life.
I'm lame, yeah.
So that concludes my schooling life at SGGS.
Terkilan banyak sebab ada orang tu baik dengan aku and ambil kesempatan dari tu.
Terkilan.. kenapa orang kena buat aku macam ni, teruk sangat ke aku?
Tak layak ke aku jd 'kawan' korang?
Tak pe tak pe, aku sabar selagi boleh sabar :')
#31 Post Ni Panjangggg K.
Memang menusuk kalbu gilakkk SMS yg aku dapat. Tapi salah aku jugak kot tgn tak reti duk diam, gatal nak SMS sape suruh kan. Untuk anda2 semua budak SPM 2010 yg still tak tau lg cara nak check status NS, silakan SMS:
PLKN(space)SEMAK(space)ICAku tak tau kenapa sistem tu sayang sangat kat aku sebab dia reply SMS aku laju gila! Kawan2 aku yg send smua tak dpt lg. Muahaha. Aku tak seronok pun k! Sheesh. Mari kita baca warkah, i mean SMS, tersebut.
or PLKN(space)KEM(space)IC
send to 15888.
LAPOR: 02-JAN-2011 9:30 PAGI.
Berderai la harapan aku nak keja dulu lpas SPM T___T Dah la dapat kem kat kampung terchenta. You guys tau tak betapa PANASnya bumi perlis? Adoiyaiiiiii mau kena bawak garnier 13 tube la cam niii. Makin gelap la aku yg mmg dah gelap ni. Tp boleh dikira benda ni mcm agenda yg aku tunggu2 : sesi menguruskan badan. XDD Huhu tp tak pe la. Disebabkan tak ramai yg terpilih, aku nak jugak rasa bangga sebab terpilih. Haha yayayayyyyyy happynya!!!!!!! =.="
So sapa2 yg nak kuaq date dgn aku mulai 9 - 31 Disember cepat2 la bgtau aku ye, jgn risau, list masih banyak yg kosong. Tp 16 Disember punya program dah diisi.. XD
Basyirah: ok gay. i'm sorry but i'm not chosen.:') Will definitely miss you the most, darla.
Sofea: sorry? sorry?!?!??!?!!
Basyirah: i'm sorry for u la. so i tell mama aku akan kuar dgn hg as often as i can sbb nnt tak jumpa hg 3 bulan. dia diam tak cakap apa. aku anggap it as a yes.
Tukar topic 375degrees : SPM.
Yela nak cakap pasal apa lg =.=
Maths dengan ADD MATHS, aku boleh jamin dpt A+ lah. Semua org pun boleh dapat A+ dohh. Subjek yg plg ku tunggu2, Add Maths, mmg tak mengecewakan lgsg, haha. Paper1 mmg susah gilakkk tp paper2, mak aiii, aku gelakkk ja tgk paper tuu :D School paper lg susah. Haha so I think takde mslah A+.
Agama.. tak nak comment bnyk la. Mmg teruk gila3. B+ pun belum tentu dpt. Dah la aku ni baloq liat, malas hafal ayat hafazan! Takpe takpe, aku sedar perangai aku camne, perangai aku pun tak layak nak dapat A+ kalau dilihat dr sudut agama2 ni. Still trying to improve..
Physics.. Physics just murdered me yesterday. Sorry people, I can't even promise you a C+ for Physics. Get it? Not even a C. Yes, it was THAT hard. Budak uni pun takleh buat paper tu kut aku rasa. Mmg the deadliest disaster la Physics ni =.="
Tak nak bebel panjang2, tp nak di-announce-kan kat sini: TINGGAL DUA HARI LAGI :DD
Isnin Chem, Rabu Bio. Then maybe next week's Friday kut pegi Langkawi ke mane ntah, parents duk plan senyap2, aku tak senang hati btul. Haih. Tak nak aku g Langkawi, 10x dah pegi (k that's a lie. tak la smpai 10x), nak pegi tgk WonderGirls tak pun pegi KL or lepak kat Sunway Lagoon? *budak ni gaya tak sedar lg dia kena pegi PLKN kot*
Pesanan Ikhlas.
Sayangku dan adikku jgn seronok sgt ye cuti2 ni, korang tu SPM tahun depan, so sila lah study. Jgn risau kelas tuition akak ni akan dibuka sepanjang Disember. Nanti kita lepak buat Maths yer :D I will miss you guys for 3 months lepas ni. Wahh sebak pulak tp tak nak nangis la. Aku tau ada org tu tak leh tido mlm ni rindu kat aku kan kan kan :D
Assalamualaikum, may God bless!
Love, Sofea Asyiqin. (: