#36 Another List.

Things that I would love on a date.


1. Flower. Need not to buy me a fancy, expensive bouquet. One would be enough. Nothing orange. Yellow/white/red/pink ones only.
2. Bracelet/necklace. Nothing expensive (note: i like silver).
3. Pretty notebooks. My obsession.
4. Movie tickets. I don't know why, I just love to keep them. Maybe because I don't go out for movies often.
5. CHOCOLATES :D Toblerone (milk) kay!

Movie genres:

1. Never pick horror movies. Especially local ones.
2. Never pick movies that talk about history. Especially movies that are related to China/India ancient times. *yawns*
3. Romance.
4. Cartoons? Disneys only.
5. Anything that talks about teenagers. Like WildChild. :D
6. Movies that are adapted from novels. Especially those that come in series.


1. Never question about my choices (while buying clothes). I have super weird tastes.
2. Give advice/opinions when needed only.
3. Walk on my right side.
4. Walk by my side, not in front of or behind me.
5. Hold my hand while walking.
6. Talk to me about anything and everything! If you run out of topics, ask me if I have anything on my mind. I despise silence.
7. Don't stare at the phone screen too much. I would think that you're bored with me and want to end the date soon.
8. Don't text. Fine, try to avoid texting anyone. It's ANNOYING. Refer to point 17.
9. When I ask for your phone, just hand it to me without asking anything. I wouldn't check your inbox/pictures, not that nosy. I just want to keep my hands busy.
10. When I ask for your purse, just hand it to me. If I'm nice, I'll slip some cash inside. HAHA yes, true. IF I'm nice.
11. Capture candid photos of me doing crazy acts, while I'm laughing etc. Also, capture photos of me staring at people randomly and post it on facebook later on.
12. Camwhore when I'm on it!
13. Sing to me. I don't care if you're out of tune.
14. Hold my handbag/shopping bags for me? Okay you're not that nice, I know. But try to, haha.
15. Wipe my mouth if there's grease or anything on it, do not ask me to wipe it myself (romantic not?).
16. Ask me about my lipbalm flavour (so random).
17. Exception for texting: Text me saying things like 'I want to hug you but I'm scared you'll run away' or 'I swear I'm jealous when that bloke stared at you just now'. Haha XD
18. Let me try something new/stuffs that I never ate before.
19. Take me somewhere discreet for picnic.
20. Laugh and have fun! =)