Greeting Earthlings!
How are you?
Haven't been online for days, I'm so outdated. Sigh. It's okay, I'll check on your updates.
Let's have a summary of what happened last week:
1 - Bahasa Melayu.
Paper 1 sucks to the max. Idek what I crapped. No catchy intros, lame disorganized points. Definitely one of the B+ essays' criteria. I may have to kiss goodbye to A+. *sad face* Paper 2 okay lah. Dah malas la, takde mood cter psl BM. I had high hopes.
2 - English.
ROCKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Hahahah. Essay was awesome. Loads of ideas flowing, I wrote about 'home'. Pretty simple title, many things to write about. Loveitloveitloveit. Paper 2 was triple awesome I guess. Hello A+! :D And whattheheck, my friends wrote about that Bieber guy in essay? =.="
3 - Sejarah.
Sejarah, which I thought would be the worst, turned out to be the best damn thing of the week! OMG I didn't even read through every F4/F5 topics the night before, was busy texting daddy/otp with ibu. Hahaha no kidding. Slept for 3 hours, woke up at four am and glanced through every page, skipping unnecessary topics (which turned out to be very important). I just studied, like seriously studied, the F5 topics last week so everything was still in correct order in my head. Thank God it was still there during the exam, I have short-term memory I tell you. Geez. Paper 1 was easy peasy. Paper 2..well I crapped but what I wrote was definitely logic ;D Went back home and checked for paper 1 answers and ta-dah, only 2 errors made! 38/40 baby! Alhamdulillah. InsyaAllah A+ dalam tangan.
Suka hati lah, kau jeles?
Dapat email ni, tak tau nak apply tak. Ape kes buat entrance exam kat Jalan Ampang nuh??
Hello everyone
Good news! The Royal Wolverhampton School is offering generous scholarships to Malaysian students.
Please note that this is intended for students who have completed SPM this December and who wishes to study A-level at The Royal Wolverhampton School for the September 2011 term. The following conditions apply:
1) you are a student who will complete SPM / IGCSE or O-level soon
2) you have not turned 18 by the start of term time in September 2011
Please refer to the attached leaflet for further information. An Entrance exam on Sunday, 16 January 2011 will determine deserving students for the scholarship. From the previous entrance exam (held in April), 2 lucky Malaysians accepted a substantial scholarship from the school, one up to 100% towards tuition and boarding fees including meals, medical attention, text books & stationery. The parents only had to fork out air fare, visa fee and a refundable booking deposit.
Note: the school will decide the nett worth of scholarship after compiling the result to one's Entrance exam. The British Council cannot take questions on how much the scholarship is worth.
K. Rasa malas gila3 nak isi borang, study, buat exam, yadayadayada~ Daddy, should I apply?
May God Bless!
Hey, can you forward the email to me?
Um, whats your email? =.=
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