#25 SPM.

Semalam tak boleh tido lgsg.
Tak boleh lgsg.

D, i wanna do it :D


YES, good luck to me and all of you for SPM.
To ME especially =.=
Saye cuak sbb essay-writing skill dah berkarat.
Tak pe ah, japg tgk mane yg bleh polish.

Soalan spot saye dah forward kat korang kan??
Sape takde, roger saye malam ni.
InsyaAllah on fon 5 minutes, haha.

Oh, here's my schedule.

Nov 23: BMI (8-10.15) BMII (2-4.30)
Nov 24: EnglishI (8-9.45) EnglishII (10.30-12.45)
Nov 25: SejarahI (8-9) Sejarah II (2-4.30)
Nov 29: MathsI (8-9.15) MathsII (10-12.30)
Nov 30: AgamaI (8-10) AgamaII (11.15-12.55)
Dec 1: AddMathsI (8-10) AddMathsII (2-4.30)
Dec 2: PhysicsI (8-9.15) PhysicsII (10-12.30) PhysicsIII (2-3.30)
Dec 6: ChemI (8-9.15) ChemII (10-12.30) ChemIII (2-3.30)
Dec 8: BioI (8-9.15) BioII (10-12.30) BioIII (2-3.30)

Banyak2 lah sedekahkan doa pd saye pd masa2 kritikal yg dibreketkan di atas yer.
Terima kasih.
Allah je yang balas jasa anda.