#45 Trip Down Memory Lane.

Sorry, disappeared for a few days. Time is ticking like um, verrrrrrryy fast, so I have to appreciate every millisecond that I've got. Means, less time for friends, more time for family. Had a sorethroat and fever for..3 days already? Hmm. I don't know how many tablets of PCM is in my system for now. Probably 40? Okay that's ridiculous. About 16 I think. Now you tell me why am I surprised that I'm still alive. So someone asked, why have I been kind of 'emo' lately? Well there's just too many reasons but I better keep them to myself.

I was sorting out an old drawer in my room just now and found like, LOADS of raya/birthday cards from friends and relatives. I re-read everything (too much time to kill) and saved some of the precious ones. Almost cried, really. Time flies faster than a bullet train.

Dear xXSofeaXx..

Happy burfday!
May God bless you..
Good luck in your exam..
Dpt straight As, aku blanja hg kay!
- Don't Matter -

ps; sebijik mcm kad yg hg bg kat aku!

Lots of lurve,
2 Delima / 2007

Haha this one lawak lah.. Teringat lg time aku bg bday card kat Aimi. Yela sbb bday dia kan May 4th, dekat je dgn bday aku. Tgk2 dia balas balik kad yg sama cuma colour je lain =.= But I liked that one, thanks Aimi! And of course aku ingt lg time tu kita smua pakat duk plan nak tubuhkan band! Haha tak menjadi jgk akhirnya kan? But I know that you're still passionate about music and stuff, and memandangkan hg lg 'berkemampuan' sikit, hg sure dah ada mcm2 alat muzik kat rumah hg kan Aimi.. Well, aku harap hg berjaya satu hari nanti. Kalau dah jd producer JB ke, jgn lupa contact aku, boleh set date dgn dia kay.. Kad raya dr hg smua aku smpan elok lg, tp taknak ah buh kat sini buat malu aku jeh =.=

Kad raya from gay partner.. Aku tau la skrg bukan time raya tp blog aku kan, suka hati aku laa =.=

Assalamualaikum wahai Sofea!

Kad ni mmg sesuai dgn hg, hg pun ada kutu gak di bahagian hidung!
Dah dpt makan sedap2, jgn lupa kolestrol! Nanti GUMUK! =)
Raya nie aku ingin memaafkan hg.. oopss.. memohon maaf!!
Maafkan aku for all the things that I did wrong!!
But most of the time, I'm right?!
Okay are!!
Until here, then!!


Uh, gay? Kalau nak kutuk aku tu mmg num satu eh dari dulu? =.=" Lain kali letak tanda seru bnyk2 lg weh, biar BP aku naik tinggi eiffel! Hehh. Aku taktau tu kad raya zaman bila punya tp mmg zaman 'kegemilangan' english kita lah rasanya, hahaha. Aku ada 3 je pun kad raya hg, yg lain kuceng aku kebas dah kot sbb aku tak jumpa pun (sejak bila aku ada kuceng?).

Last but not least, kad raya yg boleh dikatakan plg lawa aku pnah dpt. Dr senior kesayanganku satu masa dahulu. Huahuaa bukan Kak Wanie yer adik2. Kak Syaz.. Tp segan pulak aku nak taip love letter dia tu kat sini. xD Rindu gilaa dgn Kak Syaz, skrg dah lost contact pun. Masih ingat dulu pegi rumah akak semata2 nak jumpa akak and belanja cekelattt, huahuaa zaman naif lg masa tu. Whatever it is, I hope you're doing fine right now, di samping pakwe hensem terchenta =)

Okay, the trip down memory lane ends here!